

The place where the unconventional became conventional.
The people were glamorous. The parties, legendary.

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Dream

Image: Punk Rock Barbie Doll

This has been a long-time dream of mine. This is what I imagine my backyard will look like when I find a place where me and things and people go together.

I have always wanted to do this.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ravaged Love

“She is like the tide, she comes and she goes, she runs to me as in this stupendous photographic image. In my poor and tormented youth, I had always dreamed of this woman. And now when this dream occasionally returns, I extend my arm and she is here… by my side. If you have not met or known her, you have lost much in life.”

- Richard Burton wrote that on the back of this photograph of Elizabeth Taylor running towards him.

Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor never really fell out of love with each other. Taylor kept the last letter Burton ever wrote to her before his sudden death in 1984 by her bedside. Until today.

Elizabeth Taylor
27 February 1932 – 23 March 2011
The last day of March,

My darling Sleeping Child, I am oddly shy about you. I still regard you as an inviolate presence. You are as secret as the mysterious processes of the womb. I’m not being fancy…I have treated women, generally, very badly and used them as an exercise for my contempt - except in your case.

I have fought like a fool to treat you in the same way and failed. One of these days I will wake up - which I think I have done already - and realise to myself that I really do love. I find it very difficult to allow my whole life to rest on the existence of another creature. I find it equally difficult, because of my innate arrogance, to believe in the idea of love. There is no such thing, I say to myself.
There is lust, of course, and usage, and jealousy, and desire and spent powers, but no such thing as the idiocy of love. Who invented that concept? I have racked my shabby brains and can find no answer.

But when people die, those who are taken away from us can never come back. Never, never, never, never, never (Lear about Cordelia). We are such doomed fools. Unfortunately, we know it. So I have decided that, for a second or two, the precious potential of you in the next room is the only thing in the world worth living for. After your death there shall only be one other and that will be mine. Or I possibly think, vice versa.

Ravaged love,

And loving Rich

-Richard Burton in a letter to Elizabeth Taylor (1973)

An extraordinary woman. An extraordinary life. An extraordinary love. Elizabeth is finally with her Richard.

He was right. We are such doomed fools.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Second Guess Me

Image: Flikr
Isaac Newton discovered gravity.

Charles Darwin discovered evolution.

Albert Einstein discovered relativity of time.

_____?_____ discovered the universe is made of hydrogen.

Cecilia Payne made that revolutionary discovery in 1925. Her thesis, "Stellar Atmospheres, A Contribution to the Observational Study of High Temperature in the Reversing Layers of Stars," proved the Earth and stars were comprised of hydrogen.

We never question how we know the things we know. Science and textbook are upheld as absolute truth which, in my books make them most dangerous of all.

Payne's findings contradicted the accepted wisdom at the time and was challenged by Henry Norris Russell who argued the composition of the Sun differed from that of the Earth. Four years later more evidence emerged disproving Russell who is nonetheless often credited with Payne's discovery.

Conventional wisdom fails to acknowledge English-American astronomer Cecilia Payne, who is hardly recognized for, "undoubtedly the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy." -- Otto Struve

Make an effort to think about those things you never think to think about in your life. Take nothing for granted. Remember that all life is illusion based on perception. And misperception is the leading cause of conflict and error in the world. We lie to ourselves more often than we lie to others.

Ask questions - even to yourself. Second guess all of it. Cecilia Payne - a woman - discovered everything. Who knew?

Friday, March 18, 2011

For Japan With Love

Image: For Japan With Love

I'm honored to be a part of Bloggers Day of Silence today, organized by Ever Ours and Utterly Engaged.

Local government authorities in Japan's Iwate Prefecture have requested another 500 ShelterBoxes. The first 100 boxes are intended for the following five cities: Miyako, Yamadamachi, Kamaishi, Rikuzentakata, and Ofunato. The ShelterBox Response Team in Japan is working in cooperation with the British Embassy, British military personnel, and the US military.

There are approximately 400,000 people seeking temporary shelter in Japan right now. These shelters are overcrowded and not a feasible long-term solution to Japan's emergency needs.
"There are 1,000 ShelterBoxes already en route to Japan right now to meet the immediate concerns of freezing temperatures, lack of fuel, and damaged infrastructure. Another 5,000 ShelterBoxes are ready to move," said ShelterBox Head of Operations, John Leach.

Please consider donating to ShelterBox that will provide emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies now for families in Japan. I just did.

Each ShelterBox contains a disaster relief tent, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items. Each ShelterBox emergency kit costs $1,000 (US).

ShelterBox is one of my favourite charities. I encourage you to please get involved and donate now.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Guest Playlist: Adriano

My brother - The Recording Artist
"In the end call it hate, call it love -- I call it art"
-- The Kills

NAME: Adriano

HOMETOWN: Ottawa, Canada

ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Libra, Scorpio rising

OCCUPATION: He calls it Art. Recording Artist

ALL-TIME FAVOURITE ARTISTS: 2pac, Frank Sinatra, The Kills

This latest playlist is by my brother Adriano, a born artist and gifted lyricist who has been making music that is easy to relate to and scribbling lyrics on napkins for as long as I can remember.

Adriano's art imitates a raw life filled with personal tribulations and experience that he channels in a very compelling way. His creative style may make you think he was born with an effortless cool, but as his sister I can tell you --
he wasn't!

Dedicated and passionate about his music from a very young age, I've never seen anyone try harder for something that seemed far off. I've been fortunate to be able watch Adriano grow into his talent, and I am thrilled that he is finally sharing his remarkable gift with the world.

Adriano has been busy at work with many artists & producers such as Splitt-Cityy, Mikka K, G-Freshh, E.Dot.S aka Dolla,
P. Kongo
, Turl'K, Moka Only, GetAdam OnTheBeat. And most recently, he has been in the group The Black & White Team and Youngest in Charge as well as, one half of the duo Traffik with Splitt Cityy.

Be on the lookout for fresh tracks from Adriano soon. (I caught him writing just the other day!) But in the meantime, follow him on Facebook and Youtube at:



Heartfelt thanks to my baby bro for pulling together this list of some of his fave tracks. Not only is he cool, he's also interesting. I'm always intrigued to hear what he's listening to which is why I asked him to be my first blog guest.

Let me know what you think! I love receiving your feedback.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Rock Steady

Image: Macha Jewelry

I totally love this new take on the old traditional. It's rough hewn over polish with the Macha Collection engagement rings. Skip the flash for something unusual. Choose something rock steady.

The Rockwell and Jagger are my personal faves.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Help Japan

Image: Help Japan

I just ordered this Help Japan poster by Canadian visual artist and graphic designer James White to add to my relief art collection.

All profits made by the sale of this poster will be donated to help relief efforts in Japan. Check out the Signalnoise Store for details. Order one!

Or if you care to donate to Japan relief efforts:

Canadian Red Cross
American Red Cross
Doctors without Borders
The Salvation Army
Global Living

Canada: Text REDCROSS to 30333 to donate $10
USA: Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Missing: The Speakeasy Blogger

Image: Lady Gaga, "Born This Way"


I know some of you are wondering why I've been missing on the blogosphere lately, friends.

I have something new brewing and it's taking loads of time to set-up. So yes, I will be taking a breather from blogging over the next few weeks. But I will be coming back fierce with something... très avant-garde.

I want to thank you for following me. I know many of you religiously follow The Speakeasy blog and I appreciate your ongoing support. I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. And I look forward to sharing my new project with you soon.

I'm on the right track, baby. I was born this way! You can look for updates here and on Facebook.


P.s. I'm also learning Lady Gaga's new dance! Check out her new video. It's holy hella good.