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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Second Guess Me

Image: Flikr
Isaac Newton discovered gravity.

Charles Darwin discovered evolution.

Albert Einstein discovered relativity of time.

_____?_____ discovered the universe is made of hydrogen.

Cecilia Payne made that revolutionary discovery in 1925. Her thesis, "Stellar Atmospheres, A Contribution to the Observational Study of High Temperature in the Reversing Layers of Stars," proved the Earth and stars were comprised of hydrogen.

We never question how we know the things we know. Science and textbook are upheld as absolute truth which, in my books make them most dangerous of all.

Payne's findings contradicted the accepted wisdom at the time and was challenged by Henry Norris Russell who argued the composition of the Sun differed from that of the Earth. Four years later more evidence emerged disproving Russell who is nonetheless often credited with Payne's discovery.

Conventional wisdom fails to acknowledge English-American astronomer Cecilia Payne, who is hardly recognized for, "undoubtedly the most brilliant Ph.D. thesis ever written in astronomy." -- Otto Struve

Make an effort to think about those things you never think to think about in your life. Take nothing for granted. Remember that all life is illusion based on perception. And misperception is the leading cause of conflict and error in the world. We lie to ourselves more often than we lie to others.

Ask questions - even to yourself. Second guess all of it. Cecilia Payne - a woman - discovered everything. Who knew?

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