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Monday, July 25, 2011

Saturn Return

Image: Amy Winehouse
"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." - Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights

Dedicated to Amy Winehouse
14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011

Whose retro soul changed the world.
Safe travels and new beginnings. Love.

Amy Winehouse did not die because of the "cursed" Saturn return.

In astrology, Saturn "returns" to every person between the ages 27-31. Pop culture's "27 Club" attributes a number of famous celebrity deaths to a misinterpreted (read: sensationalized) Saturn return.

Saturn return is the time it takes for the planet Saturn to orbit one time around the sun (approx 29.4 years). Astrologers believe the return of Saturn to the degree in orbit that occurred at the time of birth marks a rite of passage for a person to enter the next stage of their life. With the first return, a person is said to leave their youth behind and enter adulthood. With the second return, a person enters maturity. And with the third, a person enters wise old age.

Amy's death chart reveals she never had a Saturn return though she was nearing it. Her Saturn return would have taken place in early 2012. However, the transits (movement) of planets that occurred on July 23, 2011 would have affected her health:

- Jupiter (expansion into another great realm)
- Chiron (healing of a deep wound)
- Uranus (unexpected and impulsive surprise)
- Neptune (dissolving)
- Pluto (transforming)

These planets alone are not enough to "cause" death. Only the soul can choose when to end it's time on earth.

Contrary to popular belief, the return of Saturn does not imply death. Saturn (the task master planet Karma) returns to bring transformation and rebirth to a soul's life on earth. It is a difficult period of restructuring that brings about an opportunity for change and growth or endings and new beginnings (a sort of death).

Amy's birth chart reveals she was a Virgo born with Neptune near her natal moon which is often an affliction for drugs and alcohol, but also marks stunning creativity and talent. As a Virgo girl myself, I can attest that Virgo's have walked through fire these past few years and have been especially unlucky astrologically, facing constant cosmic tests in love, career, and health.

Amy's tempestuous relationship with on-again-off-again ex-husband Blake Fielder-Civil was well documented. Their tragic love story signifies a deep soul connection. Blake (who is currently incarcerated and serving a 32-month sentence at Leeds Armley Jail) was interviewed following news of Amy's death and is in his own words,"beyond inconsolable." Allegedly, Blake has been placed on suicide watch in his cell. I don't envy the man, his soul, nor the burden he carries. There are better ways to love but perhaps that was their karma.

In life, Amy played a magnificent "Catherine" to Blake's "Heathcliffe." Their story played out eerily close to the gothic horror love story Wuthering Heights. May both their souls heal and find peace & love.

For more information and to see Amy's birth and death charts see Risa's Esoteric Astrology.

To find out when your Saturn return will occur, use this calculator. Mine takes place this October 2011.

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